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Annunci trovati: 1

Valentin Yotkov, Designer Silversmith. Reviving Chasing and Repousse in art metals. Repousse ...

Valentin Yotkov, Designer Silversmith. Reviving Chasing and Repousse in art metals. Repousse ... « united states

Repousse and Chasing. Valentin Yotkov seeks to revive the ancient techniques of chasing and repousse on jewelry and hollowware made in silver, copper and gold. Born and trained in Bulgaria, currently he lives and works in the United States. Recognized by the American Government as being one of the premier designer silversmiths, and foremost ...
(Clic: 1662; Commenti: 0; Annuncio aggiunto: Mar 27, 2013, united states)
Este Padova address
repousse, chasing, chasing and repousse, yotkov, valentin Tags Link