> techniques
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Valentin Yotkov, Designer Silversmith. Reviving Chasing and Repousse in art metals. Repousse ... « techniques
Repousse and Chasing. Valentin Yotkov seeks to revive the ancient techniques of chasing and repousse on jewelry and hollowware made in silver, copper and gold. Born and trained in Bulgaria, currently he lives and works in the United States. Recognized by the American Government as being one of the premier designer silversmiths, and foremost ...
(Clic: 1662;
Commenti: 0; Annuncio aggiunto: Mar 27, 2013, techniques)
Savoir Tout Faire comment apprendre à faire soi-même et partager son savoir-faire « techniques
Savoir Tout Faire est un espace d'échange de savoir-faire dans tous les domaines. Savoir Tout Faire c'est le plaisir de partager un savoir-faire, d'apprendre à faire soi-même mais aussi de s'entraider, se conseiller. Comment faire la cuisine, le bricolage, le jardinage, les travaux manuels... Jouer de la guitare, utiliser un ordinateur... ...
(Clic: 590;
Commenti: 0; Annuncio aggiunto: Mar 7, 2013, techniques)
Accessoire sanitaire, barres dappui, PELLET ASC tout pour la salle de bain « techniques
Fabricant daccessoire sanitaire pour collectivité et professionnel : accessoire WC, douche et baignoire. Aides techniques pour plus de confort et de sécurité dans la salle de bain (sièges, barres de maintien
(Clic: 996;
Commenti: 0; Annuncio aggiunto: Aug 19, 2012, techniques)
Welcome to Stampaggio Gomma « techniques
Stampaggio Gomma produce articoli tecnici industriali in gomma utilizzando tecniche diverse quali stampaggio ad iniezione, compressione e compressione/Transfer. Stampaggio Gomma makes rubber industrial technical products resorting to different processing techniques such as injection molding, compression and compression/transfer.
(Clic: 502;
Commenti: 0; Annuncio aggiunto: Aug 5, 2012, techniques)
Laser lipo techniques include smartlipo. Sculpt and contour the body with laser assisted liposuction. Smartlipo videos, before and after photos, and cost
(Clic: 1047;
Commenti: 0; Annuncio aggiunto: Aug 3, 2012, techniques)
Rocio Heredia, Designer Metalsmith. Chasing and Repousse in High Relief on Metals | Contemporary ... « techniques
Rocío Heredia is an award-winning artist of the contemporary Mexican generation. Rocio Heredia specializes in traditional metalsmithing techniques of Chasing and Repousse in high relief to raise intricate designs on silver, copper, gold, brass and tin. Rocío teaches private classes and workshops on her Chasing and Repousse technique in ...
(Clic: 1600;
Commenti: 0; Annuncio aggiunto: Jul 10, 2012, techniques)
Welcome - Gruppo Giordano « techniques
production of innovative electronic systems designed to save energy, using advanced and intelligent techniques
(Clic: 528;
Commenti: 0; Annuncio aggiunto: Jun 30, 2012, techniques)
Data Recovery Services for Hard Drive, RAID Arrays, Laptop and Other Storage Media « techniques
Data Recovery London experts recover data from hard drive, RAID arrays, Tape disk, laptop,email, SQL data base and all file systems using latest recovery tools and techniques.
(Clic: 917;
Commenti: 0; Annuncio aggiunto: Jun 15, 2012, techniques)
EFT il sito Italiano Emotional Freedom Techniques « techniques
Cerchi informazioni su EFT la tecnica energetica di derivazione orientale? Clicca e applica SUBITO Emotional Freedom Techniques con il Video Corso Gratis
(Clic: 703;
Commenti: 0; Annuncio aggiunto: May 12, 2012, techniques)
PLASTIBELL GROUP DTP - Développement Techniques Plastiques la solution plastique « techniques
Développement Techniques Plastiques : la solution plastique - PLASTIBELL GROUP / DTP, Transformation de matières plastiques - assemblage de pièces de précision - fabrication de moules, techno-centre de co-développement EETAP
(Clic: 1944;
Commenti: 0; Annuncio aggiunto: May 9, 2012, techniques)
Cologno Monzese Milano
TUMEDEI - Rubber engineering, Technical articles in elastomer and composites « techniques
Tumedei S.p.A. Articoli tecnici in elastomero e compositi su specifica e disegno. Technical articles in elastomer and composites according to drawing and specification. Herstellung von technischen Artikeln nach Kundenzeichnung und Spezifikation. Production d'articles techniques suivant plan et spécification du client.
(Clic: 1528;
Commenti: 0; Annuncio aggiunto: Apr 25, 2012, techniques)
Free, Live Streaming Web Cam Views from Around the World « techniques
Opentopia showcases thousands of live webcams which are found through clever search techniques from around the world
(Clic: 1037;
Commenti: 0; Annuncio aggiunto: Mar 29, 2012, techniques)
Il sito di pesca sportiva e big game « techniques
Le notizie più attuali sulla pesca, tecniche e segreti dei campioni, big game e traina e altro ancora... The more current news of the fishing, techniques and secrets of the champions, big game and much other...
(Clic: 1279;
Commenti: 0; Annuncio aggiunto: Mar 18, 2012, techniques)
Luciano Monti « techniques
LUCIANO MONTI, décorateur italien, vit et travaille au Maroc depuis 1991. Il est créateur de mobiliers et objets maison, réalisés avec des techniques et des matériaux typiques de l'artisanat marocain, mais dans un style européen. Pour cette raison sa production est destinée au marché international. Chaque saison,LUCIANO MONTI propose de nouveaux ...
(Clic: 633;
Commenti: 0; Annuncio aggiunto: Nov 6, 2011, techniques)
SEO Company Singapore | SEO Reseller Singapore « techniques
SEO Company Singapore - SEO World Class provides Guaranteed rankings on Google by using purely white-hat techniques. Call: +65 6248 4977
(Clic: 1170;
Commenti: 0; Annuncio aggiunto: Oct 22, 2011, techniques)
REIKI CO. Spiritual Healing « techniques
le Reiki dans ses differentes formes: Karuna, Lightarian et autres techniques holistiques Il Reiki nelle sue differenti forme: Karuna, Lightarian ed altre tecniche olistiche
(Clic: 1012;
Commenti: 0; Annuncio aggiunto: Oct 15, 2011, techniques)