> research Oria
Cerca: research Oria
Categorie trovate: 0
Annunci trovati: 2
Associazione Mozart Italia « research
Official site of Mozart Association Italy whose headquarters in Rovereto,
Trento, northern Italy are affiliated to Internationale Stiftung
Mozarteum Salzburg .
Mozart Association Italy's aim is to research and divulge Mozart's work
by means of international conventions, festivals, exhibitions,
musicological lectures and concerts in all its ...
(Clic: 827;
Commenti: 0; Annuncio aggiunto: Feb 7, 2012, research)
Oria Brindisi
IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca « research
IMT is a graduate school dedicated to doctoral and post doctoral education and research, provides five different phd programs focusing on institutional and technological change: economics markets institutions, technology and management of cultural heritage, biorobotics science engineering, computer science, political systems and institutional ...
(Clic: 1024;
Commenti: 0; Annuncio aggiunto: Dec 16, 2011, research)
Oria Brindisi
imt lucca institute, advanced studies, phd courses, call for applications, graduate school
imt lucca institute, advanced studies, phd courses, call for applications, graduate school