> centrifugal juice
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Oranfresh Orange Juicers - macchine spremiagrumi « centrifugal juice
Spremiagrumi Oranfresh. Dallarancia al bicchiere in 10 secondi ! Lo straordinario aroma degli agrumi appena spremuti. Introducing the world's most compact and rugged countertop citrus extractor. Perfect for Juice Bars Hotels and Restaurant. Fruit Juicers Available for Residential Markets.
(Clic: 807;
Commenti: 0; Annuncio aggiunto: Jan 4, 2012, centrifugal juice)
Roma Roma
orange juicers, citrus juicers, juicers, vegetable juicer, centrifugal juice

orange juicers, citrus juicers, juicers, vegetable juicer, centrifugal juice